
Dubai Medical College for Girls – DMCG Partners with StudyMEDIC

Tue 04, 2024
Home Dubai Medical College for Girls – DMCG Partners with StudyMEDIC

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Dubai Medical College for Girls – DMCG Partners with StudyMEDIC

Aims to Provide An Innovative Solutions for Medical Aspirants With an aim to provide wholistic and innovative solutions to all medical students, the Dubai Medical College for Girls (DMCG) has officially signed a partnership deal with StudyMEDIC.

The Dubai Medical College for Girls (DMCG), one of the oldest and most prominent medical institutes in UAE, has officially signed a partnership deal with StudyMEDIC Academy. The partnership will now help medical students find wholistic and innovative solutions to overcome all hassles they face with their education needs.

DMCG, as per the partnership agreement, will host all Live OSCE programs of StudyMEDIC in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The primary aim of this collaboration is to facilitate enhanced learning and practical training opportunities for medical aspirants seeking international memberships and fellowships including MRCOG, MRCPCH, MRCPI, EFOG-EBCOG, MRCEM, MRCP and so on.

A pioneer in medical education, StudyMEDIC has always been at the forefront of conducting Live Circuit courses for OSCE exams. Officials of DMCG visited the venues of Live Circuit Courses and got impressed over the way StudyMEDIC conducts each course with the support of cubicles and a bunch of expert mentors at each station to guide students.

With the new partnership confirmed for next two years, DMCG will remain the major host for all Live OSCE courses of StudyMEDIC . The first set of the series were conducted at the venue for MRCOG Part 3, MRCPI and EFOG-EBCOG 2 OSCE. This was the first ever live OSCE courses for MRCPI OBG 2 OSCE.

In the coming year, as StudyMEDIC has already announced, apart from MRCOG Part 3, MRCPI OBG 2 OSCE and EFOG-EBCOG 2 OSCE, more live circuit courses for MRCPCH Clinical, MRCEM OSCE and MRCP PACES; it will be a great opportunity for the graduate students to get involved and become familiar with the international medical standards and practices. These courses will pave the way for enhancing their clinical knowledge and skills.

Conducted in real-like clinical environment, OSCE exams nearly follows real life situation. In this context, conducting the course at a simulation centre provides the best experience to the students.

“Dubai Medical College for Girls is thrilled to announce the official partnership. The Simulation Center at DMCG and StudyMEDIC have come together, signing a memorandum of understanding to pave the way for innovative educational collaborations. Empowering the future of medicine and education, hand in hand, Dr Youness Zidoun – a simulation-based education expert and the director at the DMCG simulation centre, wrote in a statement after signing the agreement.

Led by experts and course faculties serving as examiners, lay examiners, and role players; these live courses provide the students with an unparalleled learning experience. Here, medical aspirants will get a unique opportunity to experience real face-to-face exams in the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) format of the Royal Colleges and the European Board of OB GYN.

“We are excited to partner with Dubai Medical College for Girls. As a leading and most prominent institute in UAE, the association will undoubtedly help in our mission to deliver high-quality medical education everywhere. We are committed to providing the best real-like OSCE experience to our aspirants,” says Dr. Sowmya NS, co-founder and COO of StudyMEDIC.

Conducting the first ever live circuit course way back in 2019, today StudyMEDIC is the leader in the industry for live OSCE Courses. The organization has already announced Live OSCE courses for a bunch of programs like MRCEM, EFOG-EBCOG, MRCOG, MRCPCH, MRCPI, MRCP, PLAB and more at various locations across the globe. Associating and getting accredited by various global bodies like EBCOG, ISUOG, CPD, ACCME and others; StudyMEDIC is setting up new standards for medical education.

DMCG StudyMEDIC partnership DMCG StudyMEDIC partnership DMCG StudyMEDIC partnership DMCG StudyMEDIC partnership DMCG StudyMEDIC partnership DMCG StudyMEDIC partnership

By : admin

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