Frequently Asked Questions

Home Frequently Asked Questions

What is StudyMEDIC Academy (P) Ltd?

StudyMEDIC is an internationally reputed Med EdTech firm, headquartered in Qatar, with operational offices in India and Pakistan. Globally known as the trusted brand in premier medical education, StudyMEDIC is accredited by international organizations and bodies such as EBCOG, ACME, CPD, and ISUOG. By integrating advanced technologies and with quality mentoring StudyMEDIC envisions an era of reputed selfless clinicians across the globe.

What are the courses offered by StudyMEDIC?

Our plethora of courses range from MRCOG, EFOG-EBCOG, MRCEM, MRCP, MRCPI, MRCS, FRCS, FRCR, MRCPCH, FCPS, FMGE, NEET SS, OET , FMGE, PLAB , OBG and skill enhancement programs like Reproductive Medicine, High Risks Obstetrics, Vaginal Surgery and Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynaecology.

What Makes StudyMEDIC differ from others?

At StudyMEDIC, we prioritize quality mentoring, setting us apart from others. With the aim of developing our students to a global level where they can achieve their best, we ensure unparalleled guidance for our students. Our commitment to excellence extends to our cutting-edge resources, including the latest database, Mobile App, Learning Management System, and OSCE Exam App. By providing access to the most up-to-date study materials, we empower our students to learn effectively and comprehensively.

Can we get a free trial or demo for the courses/library/apps?

Yes, Free trial or scheduled walkthrough can be conducted/provided upon request and approval. Please contact the below for more details.
WhatsApp/Phn: +918562800700

How can we book a course with StudyMEDIC?

Aspirants can book their required courses through website, LMS & Mobile App. Aspirants also have the option to contact team StudyMEDIC through the following details for immediate assistance.
WhatsApp/Phn: +918562800700

How Can I Download & Install StudyMEDIC Mobile App in IOS and Android Platforms?

StudyMEDIC Mobile App, one of the most preferred destinations for premier medical education aspirants across the globe, is available on both Android and iOS platforms. You can easily download the Mobile App by visiting Google Play Store and Apple Store respectively.
For easy access, click on the provided links to download StudyMEDIC Mobile App:
Android App
iOS App

How to Register & Use StudyMEDIC Mobile App?

Follow the steps described below to download, register and use StudyMEDIC Mobile App

Step 1: Visit Google Play Store or Apple Store to download & install StudyMEDIC Mobile App on respective OS platforms.
Step 2: Enter your mobile number followed by OTP.
Step 3: Enter the OTP received on your mobile device for verification.
Step 4: Verify your mobile number.
Step 5: Provide a Username and valid Email ID.
Step 6: Choose your Course and Stream
Step 7: Enjoy StudyMEDIC Mobile App loaded with tons of learning-oriented features!

How Can I Access Study Chat Groups in StudyMEDIC Mobile App?

StudyMEDIC Mobile App has various chat study groups where students can engage with their peers and learn together. Chat groups play a crucial role in aspirants exam preparation, as it’s the place where you can raise questions and get clarifications for each of your queries. Here’s how you can access chat groups. Here’s how you can access different types of chat groups.

How to Access Free Study Chat Group?

Login to StudyMEDIC Mobile App.
Click on Join Group.
Click on VIEW to access the Group.

How to Access PREMIUM Study Chat Group?

Login to StudyMEDIC Mobile App.
Access chat groups from the chat group icon at the bottom line of the App.
View Assigned premium chat group.
Click on View to access the chat group

How Can I Access Events in StudyMEDIC Mobile App?

Aspirants can register and access StudyMEDIC FREE events easily though StudyMEDIC Mobile App. Please follow the steps below to get access to the events.

Step 1: Enter your Mobile Number & Login to StudyMEDIC App
Step 2: Enter the OTP received on your mobile.
Step 3: Complete your profile by giving a Username and valid E-mail address
Step 4: Select your Course and Stream
Step 5: Select the upcoming free event section and tap on ‘Register.’
Step 6: Tap on ‘Enrol’ in the Registration Confirmation
Step 7: Tap ‘OK’ in the registration successful pop-up.
Step 8: Select ‘My Events’ from the top left menu to see your registered events.
Step 9: Turn on notifications to get notified about the upcoming events.

How can I access Question Banks in StudyMEDIC Mobile App?

Question Banks are the compilation of various mock exams such as mega mock, module mock, and mini mock that are systematically arranged for each course and stream. These mocks are ideal options for students to practice the real exam scenarios. StudyMEDIC Question Banks include advanced features like flagging questions, clear explanations, etc. Students can also access Question Banks through StudyMEDIC Mobile App and LMS.

Login to StudyMEDIC Mobile App
Select QUESTION BANK from dashboard.
Choose and take mock tests.

How to subscribe to a product through StudyMEDIC Mobile App?

StudyMEDIC always provides extra attention to publish and deliver high quality study materials in different formats including preparatory videos, podcasts, summaries, case templates, flashcards, question bank, etc considering the varying needs and preferences of each candidate. The R&D division of StudyMEDIC, consisting of a panel of eminent mentors, creates new products based on thorough research and also updates existing materials in stipulated time intervals to ensure that each of our products comply with the latest exam syllabus

How To Access Product Library Using Mobile App?

Login to StudyMEDIC Mobile App.
From the dashboard you can select StudyMEDIC products such as Videos, Flashcards, podcasts, question bank, summaries, case templates, etc.

How to access the course library From StudyMEDIC LMS?

Login to StudyMEDIC LMS.
Select course library from the libraries section of the dashboard.
Select the assigned course library.

How can I access StudyMEDIC LMS from Mobile?

Medical aspirants can access StudyMEDIC LMS from their mobile devices. . However, for a better experience, downloading mobile app is recommended.
Login to or and click on the LOGIN button on the top right corner.
Enter your mobile number and verify with OTP.
Select our products Videos, Flashcards, podcasts, question bank, summaries, case templates, etc from stream home page.

How can I access StudyMEDIC LMS from a Desktop or laptop?

You can access StudyMEDIC LMS easily from desktop and laptop by following the steps listed below.
Login to or and click on the LOGIN button on the top right corner.
Enter your mobile number and verify with OTP.
From the dashboard you can select our products such as Videos, Flashcards, podcasts, question bank, summaries, case templates, etc.

How to access the course library from StudyMEDIC Mobile App?

Follow the steps listed below to access your course library from StudyMEDIC Mobile App.
Login to StudyMEDIC Mobile App.
Choose Your Stream and Course.
You can access course library from the home page.

How to upload videos, images and others in StudyMEDIC Mobile App Chat group?

StudyMEDIC Mobile App supports uploading videos, images and text messages in its chat groups. You can upload your files in the chat groups by following the steps listed below.

Login to StudyMEDIC Mobile App.
Access your chat groups (from the chat group icon at the bottom line of the App).
Go to your premium or free group.
Click the + button at the bottom left corner to upload files.
Select your files and upload.

Contact Us WhatsApp +91 8562 800 700

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