Data and Intellectual Property Policy

Home Data and Intellectual Property Policy

StudyMEDIC Academy (P) Limited (hereafter mentioned as the company or we), a medical education training platform/company, is committed to secure and protect all the data of our students from across the globe and we work in compliance with all applicable data protection laws, regulations, and cyber laws under the ‘Indian IT Act,’ the ‘General Data Protection Regulation’ (GDPR) as prescribed by the European Union, and other laws and regulations as prescribed by other countries.

The company collects the data of our students with their consent to provide them the right training, guidance and support and we treat the data as the sole property of the company and no one owns the right to duplicate the contents by any means nor do we share the collected data to any third party company outside our organization.

The following policy shall explain and detail you about the company’s data protection and content management policies such as;

StudyMEDIC owns a dedicated website, a number of sister websites, course library, and free library which can be used and accessed by any medical aspirant or student, or by medical professionals across the globe to enhance their knowledge and upgrade their skills. By accessing the contents on our website or sister websites, the user/student consents to share some of their data which company shall use for providing better services to them.

All the study materials furnished in the course library are prepared, reviewed and uploaded by the panel of mentors and management team at StudyMEDIC. The copyrights © of these materials are reserved under the name of the Company as per the Government of India Company Registration Act. (Refer the below points for more details)

Students (within the organization) shall not share/circulate, translate, modify or duplicate (by all means) any information/study materials without a written consent from the company directors.

*Duplication of data shall include, but not limited to, taking photos using other devices, recording sessions by all means, taking screenshots using any applications or hardware, etc.

All the documents furnished shall be used only for study purposes and is not authorized for any other discreet/trading activities.

Students are not entitled to extract data from external sources and post in any of the Company’s learning platforms including the websites, course library, social media sites and private study groups.

All the personal data we fairly collected with the consents from students shall be processed in a legal manner, in line with company’s data protection procedure.

Students must immediately report any actual or suspected breaches of this policy to the respective mentors or company management.

Students who are enrolled to a course should not share their user/admin access and login credentials or confidential information to any third party or anyone else without the written consent from company directors. The company holds the rights to remove access to any learning materials of students who found guilty of engaging in this kind of fraudulent activities. In addition, this may be subject to legal actions.

Students are not entitled to use the company name/address for any promotional or discreet trading activities.

As per this policy, the Company owns the right to monitor all the activities based on StudyMEDIC learning platforms including StudyMEDIC website, sister websites, Course Library & Free Library) created and owned by StudyMEDIC.

Failure to observe the data protection principles within this policy may result in student end up in legal disciplinary action, gross misconduct and permanently revoking access where there are significant or deliberate breaches of this policy.

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